Professor David Day
Scholarship Committee – Member
Marketing Committee – Member
Professor David Day is a Matthew Flinders Distinguished Emeritus Professor at Flinders University in the College of Science & Engineering.
David received his PhD from the University of Adelaide and undertook his postdoctoral training in the USA before returning to Australia as a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow at CSIRO in Canberra. Subsequent posts include Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Australian National University; Chair and Head of Biochemistry at the University of Western Australia; Executive Dean of Sciences at the University of Sydney; and Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (Research) at Flinders University.
David’s research interests are in plant biochemistry and molecular biology and he has published more than 200 research articles. David is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science where he serves as Secretary of Science Policy on its executive council.